Pat mulroy biography

Pat mulroy biography Pat Mulroy: I think the day of reckoning is going to come. We talk about increasing the costs of energy to mitigate the effects of climate change, but when you look at the costs that are going to be associated with retooling many of our water systems, especially in an environment in which you have decaying urban systems, the costs become enormous. With that in place, Mexico agreed that it would accept shortages at exactly the same elevations and at exactly the same times as the lower basin states. She is also active in regional and national water issues.

Patricia Mulroy

A leader in the international water community for more than 25 years, Pat Mulroy serves as a Senior Fellow for Climate Adaptation and Environmental Policy and also as a Practitioner in Residence for the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at the William S.

Boyd School of Law.  She also holds a faculty position at the Desert Research Institute, where she serves as the Maki Distinguished Faculty Associate. Mulroy also serves on the Wynn Resorts Ltd Board of Directors.

Between and early , Pat Mulroy served as General Manager of both the Las Vegas Valley Water District, a municipal purveyor serving more than , accounts, and the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), the regional agency responsible for acquiring, treating and delivering water to two million Southern Nevadans and 40 million annual visitors.

Mulroy was a principal architect of the SNWA, helping to guide Southern Nevada through an unprecedented period of growth and one of the worst droughts in the history of the Colorado River.

As general manager of one of the country’s most progressive water agencies, Mulroy was exceptionally active in regional and national water issues, a passion she brings to her current role.

During her long tenure, she lead Nevada’s delegation in the negotiation of numerous agreements with neighboring Colorado River Basin States and the country of Mexico.

Pat mulroy biography wikipedia At the same time, we negotiated a minute with Mexico. An additional factor is that a lot of experienced hands are retiring. The one quality all these individuals shared was that they understood the relationship between the federal government and the states on the river. Quick Links.

Her reach in the water community extends far beyond the desert Southwest.  She currently serves as a member emeritus of the Water Research Foundation Board of Trustees. She previously was on the board of the National Water Resources Association and was a member of the American Water Works Association. Additionally, she was the original chairperson of the Western Urban Water Coalition, is immediate past president of the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, and has served on the Colorado River Water Users Association’s board of directors.

At UNLV’s Boyd School of Law and DRI, Mulroy’s focus is on helping communities in water-stressed areas throughout both the American Southwest and the world develop strategies to address increased water resource volatility and identify solutions that balance the needs of all stakeholders.

In her faculty role at DRI, Mulroy also will explore the role of technology in optimizing the use of water resources.