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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
William Smith, Ed.


(*Zhno/bios), sometimes erroneously called ZENODOTUS, was a writer who lived at Rome in the time of Hadrian.


Zenobius was the author of a collection of proverbs, which was an epitome of the works of Lucillus Tarrhacus and Didymus of Alexandria.

Biography channel ghost kit The current whereabouts of the ring remain unknown. Her feast day is celebrated on October 30th, along with her brother Zenobius, reminding us of their shared legacy of faith and sacrifice. Despite the threats and tortures inflicted upon them, the siblings remained steadfast in their faith, refusing to recant. Veneration [ edit ].

The latter were themselves by no means the most ancient compilers of works of that kind. Zenobius, Athenaeus, and Suidas attribute works on proverbs to Aristotle, Clearchus of Soli, Theaetetus, Chrysippus, &c. In the work of Zenobius the proverbs are arranged alphabetically, and divided into hundreds. The last division is incomplete, the total number collected being


This collection was first published by Phil.

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  • Junta (Florence, ). It was next published in the Aldine collection of fabulists. There is a separate edition by Vincentius Opsopoeus (Hagenau, ). It is also found in the collection of Andreas Schottus (ΠαροιμίαιἙλληνικαί, Antverp, ).


    A Latin translation was published by Gilbertus Cognatus (Basil.

    Zenobius biography channel 6 Extraordinary miracles , including several instances of the restoration of the dead to life, are attributed to him. The original column was swept away during the flood of and later rebuilt. In the back of the middle of the three apses of the cathedral is the altar of Saint Zenobius. Zenobia and her brother Zenobius grew up in a time when the Roman Empire was hostile towards Christians, particularly during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.


    Greek Translations of Sallust

    Zenobius was also the author of a Greek translation of Sallust, which, so far as is known. is not extant

    Γενεθλιακόν, etc.

    Zenobius composed a work entitled Γενεθλιακόν, addressed to the emperor Hadrian, and some other work.

    Further Information

    Suid. s.v. Fabric. Bibl.

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  • Graec. vol. v. p. ; Schöll, Geschichte der Griech. Lit. vol.

    Zenobius biography channel Christian Iconography. The original column was swept away during the flood of and later rebuilt. Zenobia was born in Aegea, a town located in Cilicia, a region in southeastern Asia Minor present-day Turkey. The priest Hermogenes secretly buried the bodies of the martyrs in a single grave.

    ii. p.

    Another Zenobius

    There was another grammarian of this name, the author of an epigram (ap. Brunck, ii.

    Biography channel caddyshack: In art [ edit ]. Saint Zenobius seated with his deacons St. According to tradition, during the 9th-century translation of Saint Zenobius's remains from the Basilica of San Lorenzo to the then-Cathedral of Santa Reparata, the bier carrying his body touched a dead elm tree near the Baptistery, causing it to miraculously burst into bloom despite it being winter. In other projects.

    p. ). [C.P.M]

    William Smith. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. London.

    Zenobius biography channel 7 According to his biographer and successor in the See of Florence, Antonius, he died in his ninetieth year, in ; but, as Antonius says that Pope Innocent I d. Enjoying this content? Did you like this content? To commemorate this event, a column known as the "Colonna di San Zanobi" was erected at the site.

    John Murray: printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street. In the article on Soranus, we find: "at this present time ()" and this date seems to reflect the dates of works cited. - probably the printing date.