Alban maria johannes berg biography books
Alban Berg ()
Alban Berg is one of the central figures of twentieth century musical composition. As one of the triumvirate of the Second Viennese School (with teacher, Arnold Schoenberg and fellow student, Anton Webern), Berg produced a rather small body of work that is nonetheless distinguished by a strongly Romantic aesthetic and a distinctive dramatic sense.Alban maria johannes berg biography books Create a Want Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. He finished the initial work in and the orchestral score early in the following year, and wider interest gradually grew, leading to the performance of three fragments from the opera in a concert performance in Frankfurt under Hermann Scherchen. JSTOR Within U.- All Music Guide
COMPOSITIONS Berg Links ~ ~ ~ Works by Genre
Jugendlieder (1) [23 songs], voice and piano (04; published )
Jugendlieder (2) [22 songs], voice and piano (08; published )
Seven Early Songs, voice and piano (composed 08; revised and orchestrated, )
Schliesse mir die Augen beide (settings I) (Theodor Storm), voice and piano ()
Schliesse mir die Augen beide (settings II) (Theodor Storm), voice and piano ()
An Leukon, voice and piano (/; 2 versions)
Frühe Klaviermusik (Early Piano Music), piano (published )
Zwölf Variationen über ein eigenes Thema in C, piano (; published in & )
Symphony and Passacaglia, orchestra (, fragment)
Piano Sonata, op.
1 ()
Four Songs (Vier Lieder), Op. 2, voice and piano (10)
String Quartet, op. 3 ()
Five Orchestral Songs to Picture Postcards, op. 4, voice and orchestra () [text: Peter Altenberg] ["Altenberg Lieder"]
Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, op.
5 ()
Three Pieces for Orchestra, op. 6 ()
Wozzeck, opera, op. 7 (; )
Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Winds ()
Schliesse mir die Augen Beide, voice and piano ()
Lyric Suite ()
Three Pieces for Orchestra ()
Der Wein, aria from Soprano and Orchestra ()
Violin Concerto ()
Lulu, opera ()
WORKS BY GENRE Berg Links ~ top of page ~
Wozzeck, opera, op.
7 (; )
Lulu, opera ()
Symphony and Passacaglia, orchestra (, fragment)
Three Pieces for Orchestra, op. 6 ()
Three Pieces for Orchestra ()
Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Winds ()
Violin Concerto ()
String Quartet, op.
3 ()
Lyric Suite ()
Solo Instrument
Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, op. 5 ()
Frühe Klaviermusik (Early Piano Music), piano (published )
Zwölf Variationen über ein eigenes Thema in C, piano (; published in & )
Piano Sonata, op.
1 ()
Jugendlieder (1), voice and piano (04; published )
- Herbstgefühl (Siefried Fleischer)
- Spielleute (Henrik Ibsen)
- Wo der Goldregen steht (F. Lorenz)
- Lied der Schiffermädels (Otto Julius Bierbaum)
- Sehnsucht I (Paul Hohenberg)
- Abschied (Elimar von Monsterberg-Muenckenau)
- Grenzen der Menschenheit (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Vielgeliebte schöne Frau (Heinrich Heine)
- Sehnsucht II (Paul Hohenberg)
- Sternefall (Karl Wilhelm)
- Sehnsucht III (Paul Hohenberg)
- Ich liebe dich!
(Christian Dietrich Grabbe)
- Ferne Lieder (Friedrich Rückert)
- Ich will die Fluren meiden (Friedrich Rückert)
- Geliebte Schöne (Heinrich Heine)
- Schattenleben (Martin Greif)
- Am Abend (Emanuel Geibel)
- Vorüber!
(Franz Wisbacher)
- Schummerlose Nächte (Martin Greif)
- Es wandelt, was wir schauen (Joseph von Eichendorff)
- Liebe (Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Im Morgengrauen (Karl Stieler)
- Grabschrift (Ludwig Jakobwski)
Jugendlieder (2), voice and piano (08; published )
- Traum (Frida Semler)
- Augenblicke (Robert Hamerling)
- Die Näherin (Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Erster Verlust (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Süss sind mir die Schollen des Tales (Karl Ernst Knodt)
- Er klagt das der Frühling so kortz blüht (Arno Holz)
- Tiefe Sehnsucht (Detlev von Liliencron)
- Über den Bergen (Karl Busse)
- Am Strande (Georg Scherer)
- Winter (Johannes Schlaf)
- Fraue, du Süsse (Ludwig Finckh)
- Verlassen (Bohemian folksong)
- Regen (Johannes Schlaf)
- Traurigkeit (Paul Altenberg)
- Hoffnung (Paul Altenberg)
- Flötenspielerin (Paul Altenberg)
- Spaziergang (Albert Mombert)
- Eure Weisheit (Johann Georg Fischer)
- So regnet es sich langsam ein (Cäsar Flaischlein)
- Mignon (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Die Sorglichen[1][unreliable source?] (Gustav Falke)
- Das stille Königreich (Karl Busse)
Seven Early Songs, voice and piano (composed 08; revised and orchestrated, )
- Nacht (Carl Hauptmann)
- Schilflied (Nikolaus Lenau)
- Die Nachtigall (Theodor Storm)
- Traumgekrönt (Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Im Zimmer (Johannes Schlaf)
- Liebesode (Otto Erich Hartleben)
- Sommertage (Paul Hohenberg)
Schliesse mir die Augen beide (settings I) (Theodor Storm), voice and piano ()
Schliesse mir die Augen beide (settings II) (Theodor Storm), voice and piano ()
An Leukon, voice and piano (/; 2 versions)
Four Songs (Vier Lieder), Op.
2, voice and piano (10)
- Schlafen, schlafen (Friedrich Hebbel)
- Schlaffend trägt man mich (Albert Mombert)
- Nun ich der Riesen Stärksten (Albert Mombert)
- Warm die Lüfte (Albert Mombert)
Five Orchestral Songs to Picture Postcards, op.
4, voice and orchestra () [text: Peter Altenberg] ["Altenberg Lieder"]
- Seele, wie bist du schöner (Soul, how much more beautiful are you)
- Sahst du nach dem Gewitterregen den wald (Did you see the forest after the rainstorm)
- Über die Grenzen des All (Beyond the boundaries of the universe)
- Nichts ist gekommen (Nothing has come)
- Hier ist Friede (Here is Peace)
Schliesse mir die Augen Beide, voice and piano ()
Der Wein, aria from Soprano and Orchestra ()
BERG LINKS Works by Genre ~ top of page ~
Alban Berg and His Contemporaries(Seda Röder)
Alban Berg Obituary(Willem Pijper, The Musical Times)
Alban Berg's Filmic Music (Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith)
A Guide to Alban Bergs Opera Wozzeck(Dr.
Willi Reich, Arun Chandra/Evergreen State College)
Homage to Alban Berg(Laureto Rodoni)
Murder Most Fabulous(Philip Hensher, The Guardian)
Wozzeck - Alban Berg's Masterful Operatic(John Rea, La Scena Musicale)
Alban Berg: A Guide to Research(Bryan R. Simms, Routledge, )
Alban Berg, Master of the Smallest Link(Theodor W.
Adorno, et al, Cambridge University Press, )
Alban Berg: Wozzeck(Douglas Jarman, Cambridge Univ Pr, )
The Cambridge Companion to Berg(Anthony Pople, Cambridge University Press, )
Correspondence, (Theodor W. Adorno, Alban Berg, Polity, )
Encrypted Messages in Alban Berg's Music(Siglind Bruhn, Routledge, )
The Music of Alban Berg(David John Headlam, Yale Univ Pr, )
The Operas of Alban Berg(George Perle, University of California Pr, )
Schönbergs Voice Recordings: Alban Berg(Arnold Schoenberg Center)
Alban Berg: Resources for All
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Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers
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Berg Piano Society
Berg REC Music Foundation /The Lied and Art Song Texts Page
Berg (in Italian)
Berg San Francisco Classical Voice
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Berg Universal Edition
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Streaming Audio
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